Friday, 26 October 2018

How to improve your performance through Test Series ? | SK Learner Education

                                      SK Learner

The JEE 2019 exam is approaching, and all applicants are in the final stages of preparation, full devotion, and diligence. But did you test your knowledge? In our experience, we recommend performing a series of tests to confirm your level of training. In fact, this applies not only to IIT JEE but also to the most difficult entrance exam.

What are your goals when conducting a series of tests?

Speed test
Solve various types of question formats (several correct variants, matrix matches, etc.)
Cover all subject matter
As for time management, there are no predefined rules. However, based on the experience of the ambitious JEE experience, the JEE exam recommends the following distribution:

Chemistry: ½ hour
Physics: 1 hour
Math: an hour and a half
This shows that the chemistry section is somewhat simpler than physics and mathematics because it requires less computation. If you understand chemistry, only about this part can be about 100 points, so avoid stupid mistakes. The remaining 2.5 hours will remain, but you can choose math. Dilute it for about 1.5 hours and spend the rest of the time in the physical section.

So how can we improve performance through a test series? To achieve effective results, follow these steps.

1. Perform frequent tests:

We recommend that you get tested more than twice a week. However, if you want to leave only a few months for the JEE exam, we will have four tests per week.

2. Allow test at the specified time:

Effective time management is the key to decoding JEE. Complete the test 10 minutes before the actual end time. In the event of a confrontation with a difficult question, we will provide a place to breathe with this JEE exam.

3. Check your grade:

Always check your results after the test. In the online test series, the test results are displayed immediately after the test. This will tell you where you are in the race. Please do not be angry if the bill goes down. We can help you find out the moments of the week, and you can handle the current moment.

Taking into account all these questions, we should be able to prepare a JEE effectively using a test suite. Please click here if you confuse the way to choose the best test series to test your JEE JEE training

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